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Upcoming Events

Saltash Mountain Gathering

Calling all Saltash Mountain Camp alumni, staff, campers, and families of the past, present, and future: you're invited to a fall picnic and work afternoon at SAM camp at the end of this month! Join us for a silent meeting, potluck lunch, and working together to tuck the Lodge in for the Winter! The event will take place from 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM.
Saturday, September 28 | RSVP by emailing adair@farmandwilderness.org

FWC: Removing Old Dams To Improve Flood Resiliency

Join us as we learn about the dam removal initiatives throughout Vermont and New England and tour the site of a current dam removal and wetland restoration project. The first 30 minutes will involve a discussion of the ecological impacts of dam removal projects. Then, we will hike to the site Farm & Wilderness Conservation's current project. This event is hosted by Farm & Wilderness Conservation in collaboration with Karina Dailey from VT Natural Resource Council and Ron Rhodes from the Connecticut River Conservancy.


Wednesday, October 2 | RSVP

FWC: Fall Community Hike

This is an easy out and back guided hike with little elevation gain. This hike will take place on Farm & Wilderness Conservation Land in Plymouth Vermont. Weather permitting, we will also explore a nearby stream and learn about the macroinvertebrates that call it home! Specific directions to the trail head will be sent via email upon registration. Registration is free but required. 

Sunday, October 6 | Register

FWC: Mapping and Conserving the Rare Plants of Vermont

VIRTUAL EVENT: Did you know that the Vermont Natural Heritage Inventory maps and monitors about 600 rare and uncommon plant species across the state? Join State Botanist Grace Glynn for a glimpse into some of our rare plants, where they’re found on the landscape, and the ongoing work to conserve them. Free, preregistration required to receive zoom link! 


Wednesday, October 16 | Register

Summer 2024 Reunions | OCTOBER

We're coming to Philly, NYC, and Boston this fall for 2024 Reunions! These reunions are a way to get together and rekindle and blow on that flame from the summer of 2024 so it can keep us warm during the rest of the year – especially this Fall when we are thrown back into the rush of school and work and everything else. It’s specifically for the folks who were at camp so that we can bond more quickly over that shared experience and have a better chance of forging meaningful connections with people who live near us and recently shared the Farm and Wilderness experience in 2024. 

Saturday, October 19 | More Info

FWC: How to Love a Forest

VIRTUAL EVENT: For this virtual event, Farm & Wilderness Conservation is delighted to host Vermont forester and author Ethan Tapper! Ethan Tapper is a forester, author, birder, naturalist and digital creator from Vermont. His first book, How To Love A Forest: The Bittersweet Work of Tending a Changing World, was published in September, 2024. During this presentation, Ethan will discuss how How to Love a Forest came to be. There will be time at the end of the presentation dedicated to questions. We hope you will join us! 

Tuesday, November 19 | Register 

Get Outside All Together: Come hike with us!

Getting outside with other folks in our community helps us to stay centered and connected in the seasons between summers! Join us for an hour or two of exploring close to home, guided by Farm & Wilderness community members. Friends and family welcome!

November 30, 2024 | Find a hike near you!