Farm & Wilderness Blog

Mid-session Approaches & Summer is in Full Swing! - Farm & Wilderness

Written by Theresa Serr | July 08, 2019


It is very difficult to believe that our opening day is already over a week behind us. So much has occurred during these past several days, and we have been gifted with warm and wonderful weather. Perfect for an afternoon dip in the lake, or a breezy siesta during rest hour. Here are a few highlights from each lodge to give you a snapshot of what we have been up to at Indian Brook. Big news for First and Big Lodge is their overnights were this past week.

First Lodge has been so full of camp spirit, happiness, and fun! I enjoyed watching the new campers, wide-eyed, taking in of this big and beautiful place and community. Now It is very difficult to tell who is a returner and who is new. The First Lodge counselors and Lodge Director, Olivia, are really helping the campers form close cabin groups as well as to have an identity as a Lodge. First Lodge overnights were all held on our Woodward campus shelters. These are locations are a relatively short hike from camp (although a short hike up a tall mountain is no small feat). Each cabin hiked to its own shelter location, cooked meals, learned nature lore and outdoor living skills, and played on our beautiful Vermont mountainsides. When they returned, I really enjoyed hearing their stories of vanquishing bugs and chipmunks.

Big Lodge overnights were in our surrounding areas off-campus. These campers stretched their Outdoor Living Skills and Camping Skills by staying out for a night longer than First Lodge, and by selecting what type of camping adventure they would enjoy. Big Lodge campers selected from 6 fun experiential camping trips, and I was able to visit the Outdoor Living Skills trip while they were at the Phil’s Shelter location. That evening was filled with an amazing number of lightning bugs- more than I have ever seen in my life! It was truly magical. How lucky to be able to share in this memory with our campers.

Senior Lodge highlight was the First Lodge carnival. The Senior Lodge cabins each planned carnival activities and decorated their cabins for the surprise and pleasure of the First Lodge campers. When First Lodge arrived back from their overnight, that evening the Senior Lodge invited them “below the road” to enjoy the fun and games the group had worked so hard to prepare. Senior Lodgers did a wonderful job, with fortune tellers relaying secrets of the future to games, songs, and other summer fun. Senior Lodge campers are also digging deep into their apprenticeship activities. The Woodchucks were especially working hard this past week, making the Interdependence Day fire alongside their Timberlake counterparts.

Interdependence Day was Friday, June 5th- and the Indian Brook song was a remake of the Dolly Parton classic “Jolene.” “IB” is now a song about their love of camp, and the strength they find belonging to our Indian Brook community. Songs and skits will precede our bonfire and an ice cream social and square dance. The perfect end to a summer’s day and this week’s blog!

Happy Trails,
