Farm & Wilderness Blog

What Brings Us Together and What Sets Us Apart - Farm & Wilderness

Written by Jeff Bounds | July 04, 2019

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Our campers have returned from their cabin trip adventures! And along with new outdoor living skills, are new little bumps and bruises, new friends, and new ideas about their roles in the community. By acknowledging what brings us together, as well as what sets us apart, we can address the next tier of our social justice programming: “Who else is here?” and “How can I be a loving and supportive member of this community?”

Identity Night is a program that gives campers and counselors the chance not only to share but to celebrate, their experiences. Small group discussions allow for storytelling, and challenge community members with questions from: “What part of your identity are you most proud of?” to “What do you do that makes you feel alive?” Identity Night closes with a full-camp activity and familiarizes campers with concepts such as safe spaces and consent.

The following day of camp is dedicated to serving our community outside of camp, by traveling to Merten’s House, an assisted living home in Woodstock, VT, and singing and playing music for the residents. This field trip pushes campers to practice what it means to be a loving and supportive member of the community. Moreover, it doesn’t hurt that we end the day with a picnic in the park and swimming at Buttermilk Falls.

Staff continues to encourage campers to talk about who they are as the session carries on, whether that be in small ways, like over lunchtime conversations, or on a larger scale, such as in our upcoming Interdependence Day performance. The beautiful sunny weather, view of Saltash Mountain ridge, and light in the trees certainly make for a beautiful place to learn more about ourselves.