Farm & Wilderness Blog

Camp!! - Farm & Wilderness

Written by Andrea Breen | June 28, 2019

Camp has started!! It was so amazing to sit in silent meeting on Thursday morning with a full circle of Tamarack Farm teens. The energy at Tamarack Farm has been awesome. Wednesday night was full of learning names, creating cabin contracts, funny skits about the kybos (bathrooms), the bells and what they mean, what it means to mind each other’s boundaries or “baskets”, and more. Thursday (the first full day of camp) started early with chores and continued through orientations of different camp areas, singing, eating delicious food, a wide array of afternoon activities, running around the lake and a lot of swimming!!

We ended the day with a fun night of all camp games, including a giant game of rock scissors paper, group juggling and human knots.

The beauty of the hills and the green mountains has become magnified by such a beautiful group of teens. Tamarack Farm campers are enjoying reconnecting with friends and have begun to make new friends as we widen our circles. Tomorrow they pack out for a two-night cabin trip.

It was a treat to hear in the circle tonight a teen say to a friend, “lots of signs are pointing to it, it is going to be a great summer to be at Tamarack Farm!!”