Farm & Wilderness Blog

Gaga in Prospect Park 2018 - Farm & Wilderness

Written by Tulio Browning | September 25, 2018

Thanks to everybody who came and joined us for “Gaga in the Park 2018”.

We reached the Rose Garden of Prospect Park quickly and hopped in and got to the business of playing Gaga Ball. The first small spikey ball and the large pit made it too easy to dodge. Adding a half-dozen balls livened things up considerably! As F&Wers are inventive sort of folks, someone had brought a twenty-foot elastic band to construct a makeshift catapult to launch ball across the pit.

Nearby there were some beautiful climbing trees with low, wide and almost horizontal branches. Deeper into the woods, we found a large debris shelter, a reminder of both human resourcefulness and also how the basic human need for shelter is not always met.

A camper who lives by the park led us to a waterfall and we ended our hike with a thirst for cider and appreciative of the good company. We had some IB alumni from the 80’s accompanied by a young future camper as well as a current camper from IB. Plenty of TL-ers, from First Lodge to Seniors, including a Philly resident coming into town just for the event and reconnecting with friends. Thanks again everyone and hope to see you next time!