Farm & Wilderness Blog

And They're Off! - Farm & Wilderness

Written by Jeff Bounds | July 28, 2017

The Classic Questers launched their 16-day journey in the Adirondacks on July 26th at Raquette Lake. They will continue paddling and portaging for six days, eventually leaving the canoes at Lower Saranac Lake and starting their hiking portion soon after.

The first nights at SAM Camp were dedicated to packing out food, personal gear, and group gear. Questers were motivated to learn how to use the camping stoves to boil water for hot cocoa on the first rainy night. They completed swim tests and canoe tippy tests in high spirits. Continuing the Quester tradition, they all made patches that represent their personal goals for the journey, these are pinned on the “brain” of each pack.

The group got into a rhythm of evening meetings. These provide time for reflection and feedback on the day as well as orientation for the next day’s tasks. This system allows for each Quester to rotate through the Leader-of-the-Day position. The Leader-of-the-Day facilitates the group through decisions regarding
schedule and navigation.

Judging by the clouds they might be in for a little more rain on this journey! Fear not, they will have a warm shower, food from SAM Camp, and mail during a resupply on August 2nd.

And they’re off!

-Emily Dixon, Quester Coordinator