Farm & Wilderness Blog

Topsy Turvy Tuesday 2015 - Farm & Wilderness

Written by abreen | August 11, 2015

Topsy Turvy Tuesday is a favorite day at the BDC. Crazy outfits, silly activities, outrageous songs, the infamous slip ‘n slide, and a square dance always make this day special!! Last week on Topsy Turvy Tuesday, we had one of the most memorable of these days that I can remember in my 16 years at BDC, and I have seen a lot of them.


The costumes were great even Rio, my dog who becomes the camp mascot each summer, donned an festive outfit. The activities all lived up to expectations: We had a waterfront circus, foot painting, campers vs counselor soccer, slip ‘n slide and — last but not least — a collective building of a Rube Goldberg Machine. This idea and the resulting Rube Goldberg Machine took the cake.

The story we told the campers is that we were having a staff issue of immense proportions; our staff were threatening to leave camp because their tea was stale. The tea boxes were not closing properly and we needed a machine to fix this problem. Each camper group came through and helped to devise, change and build some aspect of our machine in order to solve this problem. This was an incredible success. We have included the video showing the amazing final product that was achieved of the Rube Goldberg Machine on our photo display site.

At the end of the dance we all gathered together as a group and watched the machine do its work. There was a great cheer and incredible feeling of community from the success of the machine. Topsy Turvy Tuesday transformed into an incredible collective building event — one of the best I have ever seen.

Thanks to all who were involved!!

– Andrea Breen, BDC Director