Farm & Wilderness Blog

Visiting Day on the Long Trail and ADK Adventures! - Farm & Wilderness

Written by Pam Podger | July 28, 2015

The past week of Quester adventures have been filled with trials, tribulations, and many celebrations.

The Adirondack Questers in the first session saw their adventures come to a bittersweet end with the rock climbing section of their journey. The Long Trail Questers enjoyed a fabulous visiting day with family and friends, which included a buffet lunch of “real food” before heading out onto the trail to complete their final 100 miles.

The Adirondack Questers, tired and a bit sore from a rugged section of the trail, were cheered by their first days of climbing. Finding secluded, shady climbing spots in the Adirondacks filled three days of rock climbing, including setting routes near the thundering Roaring Brook Falls. Mornings in the swimming hole and the fresh feast of food brought by SAM staff were some of their favorites during the climbing session.

After the long drive back to SAM, the campers took well deserved showers, changed into fresh clothes, and performed a skit depicting their trip. All too quickly it was time to return home to running water, cotton clothing, flat ground, and a conspicuous absence of milk powder.

For the Long Trail Questers, the past week was also a time of transition. Throughout their journey, one of the best times is when they receive mail on the Long Trail. This week, however, many of those who penned the letters came in person to visit our Long Trail Questers. And, they brought a feast.

Vehicles filled rendezvous at Appalachian Gap, and under a tarp and on a beautiful table (complete with centerpiece), were the fantasies of trail weary, hiker hungry Long Trail Questers. From chocolate milk, pies, salmon cakes, to the infamous Dr. Pepper, they ate impressively – putting away some calories to burn for the 100 miles ahead.

All too quickly Visiting Day was over, and showing their practiced pack-out skills the Questers were back on the white blazed trail in under an hour. This week, the Long Trail Questers head into the infamous northern section of the Long Trail. Though the trail is more rugged than the southern section, the Long Trail Questers feel confident. What’s more they are even surprised at this confidence – citing the miles behind them and their confidence in their skills to get them through the tough section ahead.

This week brings the Long Trail Questers closer to the end of their journey, while the new batch of Adirondack Questers are just beginning their adventures. Though there are challenges ahead for both groups, one now experienced in distance hiking and the other just beginning, both groups are in good spirits and ready to continue their Quester adventures.

– Cash, Questers Coordinator